Sunday, 1 August 2010

Ballerina on the Boat

Today I want to share with you two outstandingly brilliant short films.  In two parts, Ballerina on the Boat is exquisitely animated and I guarantee you will be hooked within minutes. It's funny, accurate, serious and light-hearted all at the same time.  And the animation........

Well, you need to see it for yourselves !

Part 1 here.

Part 2 here.

Enjoy !


  1. Oooooo, I am looking forward to watching these when I have some quiet minutes. Thank you so much for always leaving such sweets comments on my blog - I, in turn, feel so unqualified to comment on ballet on your blog... Hope you are having a wonderful Sunday!! Hugs, Silke

  2. How sweet! Can't wait to take a glance.

  3. Love it! Thanks for sharing this.

  4. How lovely ballet animation -very gorgeous xx

  5. How delightful, thank-you for this special share, my stylish friend! Sharon xx

  6. HOW much I love this animation film:-)*
    I must direct thinking about my childgood,when i was only 8 years and go to study ballet dance in Ukraine...
    Like all deatils from this film,makes me emotional and smily,thank you for share!

    My Love and care,

  7. The animation is amazing! I love the first one, how colorful and feminine it is!

  8. I love the ballerina when she was like the seagulls! what a beautiful little film. Thank you for sharing it.


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